comps discussion at fudcon and the future

Toshio Kuratomi a.badger at
Sat Jan 17 17:50:04 UTC 2009

Arnaud Gomes-do-Vale wrote:
> Toshio Kuratomi <a.badger at> writes:
>>> But that means that for classical uses of kickstart (i.e. run the installer
>>> with this kickstart on every machine), the package would get installed,
>>> then removed, on every single machine. :-(
>> Yes.  But that's already the case.
> Is it? I'm pretty sure this is not the case on RHEL5 and its clones at
> least.
It was the case around Fedora 5 or 6.  I never tried to generate a RHEL5
livecd using that method so I don't know if anaconda had a significant
difference in RHEL5.


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