Lack of update information

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Mon Jan 26 23:22:01 UTC 2009

Kevin Kofler wrote:
> diff -Nur foo-old foo-new
> and you'll see fairly quickly what they fixed. (And it's also trivial for a
> cracker to do that, so it's utterly pointless to try withholding
> information that way.)

I disagree.

I recently fixed something that could be considered "denial of service" 
in a program I maintain. The patch basically replaces some instances of 
"foo=object; object.incrementRefCount();' with 'foo=object.clone();'. 
I'd challenge you to figure out from just that how to exploit the 
problem, whereas the bug report might contain a detailed description of 
what you had to do, how the timing has to work out, and exactly what 
effect would be seen.

There's a difference between having to engineer an exploit from the 
patch (especially if even the commit is vaguely worded), and having full 
documentation on the problem and its cause.

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