Draft: simple update description guidelines

Jeff Spaleta jspaleta at gmail.com
Thu Jan 29 06:10:28 UTC 2009

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 7:40 PM, Chris Weyl <cweyl at alumni.drew.edu> wrote:
> Hm.  Just off-the-cuff'ing here, but: could we rig the update applet
> to provide info that could be reported back via smolt?  All we'd
> really need to capture to settle this is the number of times a user
> clicked "Update system now" vs "Show updates -> Review", right? ...and
> better yet, if any packages were deselected.  A yum plugin could be
> used to report the number of times someone does a "yum update."
> That would give us some solid data to work with here.

You'd have to talk to the smolt developers about that. But my sense is
that that is an abuse of smolt and it should be avoided. I don't think
smolt was built nor advertised to track administrative actions.  I'm
more than happy to analyze logs on mirror servers if admins agree to
run scripts against the logs. I'll even write the scripts. I'm burning
a few cycles now putting a framework in place for us to do more
analysis with our mirrormanager logs.  But I'm really not keen on
turning smolt into an advanced phonehome keylogger just so we can do
marginally better trending. Doing that will hurt smolt's adoption as a
hardware profiler.


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