Feature proposal: Extended Life Cycle Support

Patrice Dumas pertusus at free.fr
Mon Jul 6 16:29:33 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jul 06, 2009 at 09:50:53PM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
>  The FAQ should also answer
> "How is this going to succeed, where Fedora Legacy failed?". You should

this was debated a lot in the previous attempts, and I still think that 
any attempt to do this with fedora infra (not necessarily speaking about
resources, but more about policies) is very different from Fedora Legacy.
The policies of fedora legacy were very different than in fedora extras in
these days, and I think this is one of the reasons why it failed. At least it
is why I didn't stepped in, although I was very interested.

This is not a valid point of comparison. EPEL is certainly a much more
relevant point of comparison.


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