prelink: is it worth it?

Ron Yorston rmy at
Fri Jul 10 08:08:49 UTC 2009

Jakub Jelinek <jakub at> wrote:
>Also, while prelink process has been fairly expensive some years ago, it is
>much faster these days; if you haven't installed any rpms in the last day,
>most of the days the cron job will just quit, if you have installed some,
>for libraries/binaries that don't need reprelinking it will just do a quick
>stat and nothing else, and even a full prelink takes just a minute or two.

So what got faster, prelink or hardware?

My experience, some years ago, was that a full prelink took 35-40 minutes.
Since I didn't see any visible difference in performance I added "turn off
prelink" to my list of things to do after installing Fedore.


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