Feature proposal: Rebootless Installer

Douglas McClendon dmc.fedora at filteredperception.org
Tue Jul 14 08:56:19 UTC 2009

Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
> On 14.07.2009 10:04, Douglas McClendon wrote:
>> [...]In any event, I'd love to hear what people think. [...]
> I for one think rebooting after install is a very good thing, as only a
> full reboot makes sure the install (including boot loaders) was
> completely successful and works fine.
> Or IOW: I for one would be really annoyed if I'm doing a "rebootless
> install" and after hours of customizing and using it notice after a
> reboot that the install doesn't boot due to a broken boot-loader
> installation/configuration.
> Just my 2 cent.

Thanks for the feedback, those are good points.  I would only emphasize 
that I'm in no way suggesting replacing the current installers with this 
absolutely bleeding edge technology.  Even in what I envision as the 
long term most positive adoption, as I said, it would merely be an 
optional (default off) choice inside, or in addition to the traditional 
rebooting method.  In the first F12 incarnation, it would be hidden 
behind an appropriate number of 
warning/danger/experimental/imminent-explosion* messages.

* "eating babies" would be the traditional fedora scare tactic, but that 
might offend some number of fedora users who have had their children 
eaten by bears.



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