creating minimal boot image for network installations

Dan Horák dan at
Thu Jul 16 11:59:38 UTC 2009

I don't know about a simple way to start a network installation of
Fedora from USB stick. Creating of boot.img, that server that purpose,
was stopped by rel-engs some releases ago. I have found a blog post [1]
that makes possible to transform a boot.iso image into a bootable USB
stick. But it still requires to download the 200+ MB large boot.iso file
and do it by hand, while in theory only initrd.img and vmlinuz files
should be needed and the whole process could be automated. So I have
created script [2] that automates all required steps and
has a bootable disk image as a result. It can be transferred to real USB
disk by the dd command. I find it useful when testing rawhide
installations, but can be used for releases too. There is naturally no
warranty for the script, it can eat whole your system :-)



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