RFE: FireKit

Bastien Nocera bnocera at redhat.com
Fri Jul 24 00:56:13 UTC 2009

On Thu, 2009-07-23 at 21:16 +0300, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> Hi,
> Here's a RFE for FireKit, a firewall desktop "kit". What this does is:
> 1- Exposes a dbus interface for applications to programatically
> open/close ports
> 2- Monitors as new daemons/applications that listen on non lo
> interfaces are started, checks if iptables is currently blocking them,
> and if so, warns the user that application X is currently blocked by
> the firewall

This needs to be implemented as a service that can poke holes for DNS-SD
and UPNP services.

This is done through ICP and NAT-PNP. Lennart has more information on
what needs to be done here.

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