RPM Soft dependencies (Was: Re: Agenda for the 2009-05-26 Packaging Committee meeting)

Roberto Ragusa mail at robertoragusa.it
Mon Jun 1 08:54:06 UTC 2009

Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
> Of course, it can't know why you installed them or even if something
> outside of its scope (e.g. a program you compiled manually) still
> needs one of those.

IMHHHO, this is the first thing to address to get a reasonable behavior.

Every installed rpm on the system should be marked with a
bit "wanted by the user".

Current systems just need a way to manually flag the packages
already installed.
I need firefox, not glibc, not libjpg. If I remove firefox and
thunderbird and all the other stuff, libjpg can be removed too,
from the point of view of the user.

It is somewhat annoying when one installs a package which drags
10 dependencies, then removes the package and there is no
easy way to cleanup all the libs and additional stuff.

Best regards.
   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it

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