Too eager?

James Antill james at
Wed Jun 10 03:30:37 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-06-09 at 20:22 -0500, Jon Ciesla wrote:
> > Given you are
> > trying to update via. yum, just enabling updates-testing should be the
> > most fun :). Or you can always just download the above yum, and use yum
> > shell to update everything else and yum via. the local file.
> And how do I install an F-11 yum RPM in F-10, which lacks python 2.6?
> I get the same thing with or without updates-testing for F-11.

 As I said:

1. yum upgrade --enablerepo=updates-testing

2. yumdownloader --repoid=updates-testing yum
   cat <<EOL | yum shell
install yum-3.2.23-3.fc11.noarch.rpm

 #1 means you'll get all the other updates from updates-testing, #2 is
more typing.

James Antill <james at>

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