Fedora 11 wireless-tools yum erase?

TK009 john.brown009 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 12:30:01 UTC 2009

On 06/23/2009 07:12 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> On Sun, 2009-06-21 at 11:40 -0400, TK009 wrote:
>> As to the bug itself, I can not and will not speak for why it bothers
>> the OP. To answer your question though, it bothers me because I don't
>> want packages on my machine I don't need. As it is my machine that is
>> reason enough. Size is irrelevant.
> It's important to note that this is not a reasonable expectation.
> Think about what it means when you use a distribution which implements
> dependencies, and a dependency-resolving package manager like yum. What
> you are saying is 'I would like to trade the bit-by-bit control of what
> is installed on my computer for the convenience of letting someone else
> worry about it'. Simply by the act of using Fedora you essentially
> affirm that you actually _don't_ want to have permanent bit-by-bit
> control of this nature.
> If you really want that, you should either run Slackware, LFS, or run
> Fedora but install everything from source or with rpm -Uvh (--nodeps
> when appropriate), and figure out dependencies yourself.
> As long as you cede the control of the decision of what software really
> 'requires' other software to your distribution, you should recognize
> that you can't then use "I should have that control" as an argument when
> talking about distribution dependencies. It's fine to suggest that
> such-and-such a dependency shouldn't really be there, but it's not fine
> to justify this by saying "I should have control over what gets
> installed", because the whole point of dependencies is to save you the
> pain of worrying about that.
> Remember that ultimately Fedora _does_ grant you access to that level of
> control, should you choose to use it: rpm -e --nodeps is available and
> does what it says on the tin. The trade-off is you get the
> responsibility along with the power. :)
Good idea

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