Fedora User Certificates

Brad Bell bradbell at seanet.com
Fri Mar 6 14:31:45 UTC 2009

On the web page
It states that:

"If you update to a new upstream version you have to upload the tarball 
to an external lookaside cache. Operations on the lookaside cache 
require a client-side certificate, grab it and see instructions for 
installing it at <https://admin.fedoraproject.org/accounts/>

When I go to the accounts page, I cannot find the instructions. I was 
able to find a description of what to do at

But when I followed those instuctions I got to the point
"Select your existing Certificate and remove it then import the new one 
from ~/fedora-browser-cert.p12 you will be able to log in to koji"

I assumed that the file ~/fedora-browser-cert.p12 referred to the link named
below. So I downlaoded this file and tried to select it. But then my 
browser (firefox) requested a password
    "Please enter the password that was used to encrypt this certificate 
I tried a few of my passwords related to fedora, but none of them seemed 
to work.

1. Where are the current official instructions for install the 
client-side certificate ?
2. Am I using the correct certificate ?
3. Which password should I be entering ?

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