Password Reset

Ola Thoresen redhat at
Mon Mar 9 15:15:54 UTC 2009

Mike McGrath wrote:
> So the password reset generally went off without a hitch but a lot of
> people forgot to reset their password or just plain didn't and I'm
> wondering if it's because of where I sent the notifications to so I
> thought I'd ask.  Would you generally like password reset requests to go
> to:
> username at (the alias that directs to your email addr)

This is fine for me.

I was one of those who did not reset my password - simply because I have
not logged in in a while, and would rather reset the password next time
I need it.

         _,--',   _._.--._____
  .--.--';_'-.', ";_      _.,-'   Ola Thoresen
 .'--'.  _.'    {`'-;_ .-.>.'
       '-:_      )  / `' '=.      It is easier to fix Unix
         ) >     {_/,     /~)     than to live with Windows
         |/               `^ .'

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