PLEASE READ: provenpackager reseed

Oliver Falk oliver at
Tue Mar 10 08:24:27 UTC 2009

Jon Stanley wrote:
> At the FESCo meeting that took place on 3/6/2009, it was decided that
> on Monday, 3/9/2009,  the 'provenpackager' group would be emptied and
> repopulated with only sponsors in the 'packager' group, who would be
> given user status in the provenpackager group.  This was done for a
> few reasons:
> 1) The initial method of seeding the provenpackager group was seen by
> some to be arbitrary - any packager who owned 8 or more packages was
> admitted to the group without question.
> 2) Due to 1, the provenpackager group did not have the desired effect
> - the removal of ACL's on all but maybe a few packages.
> In order for anyone else that is not currently a sponsor to be
> admitted to the group, a process very similar to new sponsor
> acceptance (however a distinct process) will be put into effect:
> 1) The user makes their desire to be a member of provenpackager known
> to FESCo (they can do this in really any way - mailing list, IRC, file
> a ticket, etc)
> 2) Much as is the process for new sponsors, a discussion will take
> place for 1 week on the sponsors list.
> 3) Based on the input from step 2, FESCo will vote on the individual
> in their regular meeting.
> Also, any user that becomes a sponsor will also be added to the
> 'provenpackager' group.
> It is anticipated that the volume of requests at first will be
> moderately large. This is expected and will be dealt with in the
> normal course of business.

Well. Here's my mail. As secondary arch maintainer (alpha), I'd like to 
be added to the provenpackager group - of course...


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