F10 Fresh Vanilla Install with Updates Has Broken NetworkManager

Jud Craft craftjml at gmail.com
Sat Mar 14 22:23:08 UTC 2009

You're right, I intentionally didn't.  But in my defense, I just
booted the install DVD and ran the disk-check on it, and it says no
errors found.

Serious though, I'm not making up that libudev0 stuff.  "yum update"
pulled it down and installed it, rather than updating it.  So I'm
assuming it wasn't installed to begin with.  And yet the first-boot
NetworkManager service (from a plain install with no updates) worked

Judging by my first error message up above, the new updated
NetworkManager uses libudev0, and for some reason libudev0 isn't there
when I use updates in the middle of the installation process.

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