preupgrade today: getting error: cannot download the kickstart file

John Reiser jreiser at
Sun Mar 29 21:10:28 UTC 2009

Jesse Keating wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-03-28 at 21:18 -0700, John Reiser wrote:
>> [jigdo is an exception.]
> jigdo is no exception.  The URLs listed in the jigdo file use
> mirrormanager to redirect you to a mirror using the same algorithm as
> yum getting a mirrorlist.

The results were vastly different when I used jigdo two months ago.
With jigdo(-lite) I get to [have to] choose one or more specific mirrors
(or meta-mirrors) if I wish.  I also saw the actual resulting mirror
for each package as it downloaded, and it was easy to recognize one
or two mirrors that were broken, and to use ^C to hasten a re-choosing
instead of waiting for timeout.  With yum tools the choice of repo
is mostly hidden in a file that must be edited beforehand, and the
actual resulting server for each package often is not revealed.


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