Updated translations for gnome-packagekit in F-11 GA?

Ville-Pekka Vainio vpivaini at cs.helsinki.fi
Tue May 12 07:20:42 UTC 2009


As gnome-packagekit is the default graphical update tool on the GNOME
desktop, would it be possible to get a package with updated translations
to Fedora 11 GA version? There were quite a lot of changes during the
F-11 cycle, including the new update viewer, and because gpk isn't a
Fedora sub-project, it didn't go through the string and translation
freezes we have in the Fedora L10n project. It would be nice to have as
complete translations as possible in the released version of F-11.

This might also be the case for kpackagekit but I haven't taken part in
its translation so I don't know about the L10n situation there.

Ville-Pekka Vainio

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