Determine time of last keystroke and mouse movement

Adam Jackson ajax at
Wed May 13 21:38:39 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-05-13 at 14:49 -0600, Orion Poplawski wrote:
> Is there anyway for periodic (cron like) job running as root on Fedora 
> 10 (and up) to determine time of the last keypress and mouse movement? 
> Back in the day I could look at the access time of /dev/tty7, but this 
> appears to be no longer the case (even when moving to /dev/tty1 to 
> account for the vt1 X shift).  Any ideas on how to determine this would 
> be greatly appreciated.

You want the IDLETIME XSync counter in the running X session.  Gnome
already uses this to determine session idleness.

- ajax
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