Package Maintainers Flags policy

Denis Leroy denis at
Tue May 19 13:52:47 UTC 2009

On 05/19/2009 03:30 PM, Seth Vidal wrote:
> Flags mean a lot to a lot of people. They carry a lot of patriotic crap
> w/them.

Seth, I think we all agree to that. There is a list of <flag,context> 
pairs that causes problems :-). To be more accurate, there is a 
well-known very short list of <flag,context> pairs that Fedora cannot 
ship with legally. The point is: the policy is way overreaching. This 
would be better dealt with on a case-by-case basis, only when we know 
for a *fact* we cannot ship Fedora with a specific flag. A flag that has 
no legal issues but may offend someone is not a good enough reason, it 
becomes an upstream project issue rather than a Fedora issue.


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