Package Maintainers Flags policy

Bill Nottingham notting at
Wed May 20 14:04:20 UTC 2009

Kevin Kofler (kevin.kofler at said: 
> > There isn't a 1:1 mapping between flags and languages, and arguably an
> > educational suite should be avoiding encouraging that confusion in
> > children.
> And how do you expect a child below reading age to read what you're writing
> on the screen? Because that's the target userbase of GCompris.

To give a counter example - are the millions of children in the United States
that speak Spanish at home really going to know to look for a flag of
*Spain* if they're already too young to know the word Spanish (or Español,
which the UI doesn't even offer)?  For the overwhelming majority of them,
they're not going to identify with Spain as a nation.

It's just not a good UI to use flags for this.


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