Promoting i386 version over x86_64?

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Fri Nov 20 10:58:12 UTC 2009

>>> You must not confuse moblin with netbooks, nettops or with i386/32bit
>>> machines in general. The moblin desktop is addressing a completely
>>> different audience.
>> Oh?  That's not what I got from
> It's what I get from this web-page and what I got from testing the original
> Moblin desktop.

No the Moblin 2.0 and 2.1 releases target NetBooks and Nettop devices
solely. A later release of Moblin 2.1 will also be targeted for MID
and Phone devices but will be using a slight different interface to
the current Moblin with the same underlying tech.

> IMO, they are targetting MID devices, competing with Android, Smart phones
> and similar.

Not at the moment they're not/

> That's a completely different audience as I am talking about: People using
> netbooks, nettops and old i386s as inexpensive, "secondary" machine for
> everyday, "low end" desktop usage, such as "browsing the web", "word
> processing", "presentations", "photo browsing" etc.

They are targeting Netbooks for the online type of device. They are
targeted at web browsing, Social Networking, Media
(Audio/Video/Photos) and Instant messaging running on small
inexpensive netbook devices. They will do presentations and word
processing quite happily as well as it based on gtk and clutter so all
the usual gnome apps will run but that's not the main target.


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