Buyer Beware: A Major Change in NFS is about to happen

Seth Vidal skvidal at
Sat Oct 3 13:55:47 UTC 2009

On Fri, 2 Oct 2009, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

> On 10/02/2009 04:53 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> So do we need to fix this?  I think recognizing that there's different
> types of features and some of them can continue even if they are dropped
> while others must be (wholly or partially) reverted if they are dropped
> is step one.  Putting more effort (tracking development, making sure
> that the owner knows what things need to be in place for what deadlines,
> finding extra manpower if possible if a feature is slipping) towards the
> ones that would need to be reverted if they don't complete is step two.

So it sounds like features for critical-path items need to be completely 
in or completely out. Versus features for non-critical path.

But is nfs critical path B/c anaconda can call mount to an 
nfs:// install point?


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