Updates-testing (was: Re: thunderbird upgrade - wtf?)

chasd chasd at silveroaks.com
Thu Oct 15 15:36:39 UTC 2009

Charles Dostale wrote:

>> MySQL and PostgreSQL come to mind.
>> /etc/yum.conf might have " nodowngrade=mysql-server postgresql- 
>> server " in the default file.

Seth Vidal wrote:

> I have no idea what that would do? just tell the user "tough noogies"?

" <packagename > can't be downgraded because of file format changes "

Essentially, yes, tough noogies.

The alternative is for the downgrade to execute,  and even tougher  
I guess the decision is which set of noogies is tougher, or more  
I thought that if there were known corner cases where a downgrade was  
really, really a bad idea, yum could keep someone from shooting  
themselves in the foot.
Maybe the current behavior that doesn't attempt to protect against  
known failures is better.

Charles Dostale

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