F12 media-less installer totally broken

Ahmed Kamal email.ahmedkamal at googlemail.com
Wed Oct 21 21:55:35 UTC 2009

Hi folks,
I tried installing F12 fresh today without burning media. I had F11 on a
lvm, and was installing F12 on another. Here's what happened:
- Put the iso on a ntfs partition
- Put the vmlinuz+initrd.img in F11's grub .. and boot into the installer,
pointing it to install from HDD
- The installer cannot pickup the iso
- As an alternate I copied the iso to a server, and NFS shared its folder
- I reboot the installer, point it to nfs .. again it fails to start
- Third trial .. on that server I loop mount the iso on /opt and NFS share
- Boot installer, it tried to mount server:/opt/images (which fails!) (only
/opt is shared)
- Fourth trial: I expand the iso image completely on disk into a new
directory, boot into the installer pointing it at that
- Installer finally picks up, anaconda starts .. I click next a few times,
partition and format my disk, then an error message mentions "cannot load
image #1, please insert the CD and try again" ... arrgh
- I give up, burn a DVD, and install from it just fine

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