should file ncrack-services go to /etc?

Martin Gieseking martin.gieseking at
Mon Sep 21 18:47:24 UTC 2009


during the review of ncrack 
( I noticed that the 
file ncrack-services is placed in /usr/share/ncrack by default. Since it 
is a kind of configuration file that contains mappings between port 
numbers and protocol names (similar to /etc/services), I'm not sure 
whether the location /usr/share/ncrack is OK or whether it's required to 
move it to /etc. Here's its content:

# Ncrack available services
# Use this file to add additional supported services in the format 
# <service_name> <port_number>/<protocol> <module-specific-options>
# where protocol = either tcp or udp

ftp 21/tcp
ssh 22/tcp
telnet 23/tcp
smtp 25/tcp
http 80/tcp
https 443/tcp

Maybe somebody can help me with this.


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