Removing provide statement from an existing spec file

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at
Tue Sep 29 15:26:19 UTC 2009

>>>>> "SSF" == Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus <stefan at> writes:

SSF> "When naming packages for Fedora, the maintainer must use the dash
SSF> '-' as the delimiter for name parts. The maintainer must NOT use an
SSF> underscore '_', a plus '+', or a period '.' as a delimiter" unless
SSF> indicated by the few exceptions underneath.

"delimiter for name parts".  That doesn't say a period is invalid in a
package name, because it's explicitly listed as valid at the top of the
document.  The section you quote indicates why we have "foo-devel" and
"perl-Foo-Bar" instead of "foo.devel" and "perl.Foo.Bar".

 - J<

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