potentially unmaintained packages

Felix Kaechele felix at fetzig.org
Wed Apr 14 10:20:05 UTC 2010

Hi Michael,

On 14.04.2010 09:19, Michael Schwendt wrote:

> Why would it need to be rebuilt manually?

You don't need to. If a package is working perfectly fine and no update 
is available there's no need to rebuild.

>> "Hey, this pkg hasn't been built, even in rawhide, in a while, maybe you
>> should 1. check that out and 2. if the pkg is dead or unmaintained
>> consider retiring it."
> It's stable, works, and is still being used by dependencies. Would I
> rebuild just for fun (and possibly introduce bugs related to temporary
> issues with compilation, RPM, or other build deps)?

Again, there really is no need to. And Seth didn't say that there is a 
need to do so. I think he really tried hard to make his point of the 
list not having any implications.
For my part I found this list quite useful because I almost forgot that 
I took over rubyripper some time ago.
I had some issues with it lately and I almost filed a bug for it. I can 
just imagine the hilarity if that bug would have been assigned to myself 
directly ;)

So just see this list as a service that you _can_ use. But you aren't 
required to use this service.

Thanks Seth.


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