Heads Up: python-migrate 0.6 in devel and F-14

Martin Bacovsky mbacovsk at redhat.com
Tue Aug 3 14:12:17 UTC 2010


python-migrate has been updated to version 0.6 in devel and F-14 branches. 

The new version has support for SQLAlchemy 0.6.x (and fixes FTBFS bug #599773) but brings in some 
backward incompatible changes:

 - api.test() and schema comparison functions now all accept url as first parameter and repository as 
 - python upgrade/downgrade scripts do not import migrate_engine magically, but recieve engine as 
the only parameter to function (eg. def upgrade(migrate_engine):)
 - Column.alter does not accept current_name anymore, it extracts name from the old column.

For full list of features and bugfixes see changelog (http://packages.python.org/sqlalchemy-

Have a nice day,

Martin Bacovsky

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