fedora mission (was Re: systemd and changes)

Eli L. eli at siliconsprawl.com
Wed Aug 25 18:21:29 UTC 2010

> Matthew Miller wrote:
>> I don't know a single student using Fedora anymore,
>> I don't know *what* to blame that on
> I blame it on people slowly destroying what Fedora is all about, with things
> like that "stable updates vision".

And some of us students switched to Fedora *because of* the stable
updates vision.

In my experience, the lack of Fedora users at my university is mostly
due to other distros having better marketing and the fact that new
people will use whatever they can get help with (ie. whatever distro
their friends are using).  It has little to nothing to do with "people
slowly destroying what Fedora is all about."


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