Question about sane usage of macroses in perl template

Pavel Alexeev (aka Pahan-Hubbitus) forum at
Fri Aug 27 09:25:54 UTC 2010

 27.08.2010 13:08, Petr Pisar ?????:
> On 2010-08-27, Pavel Alexeev (aka Pahan-Hubbitus) <forum at> wrote:
>> %{__perl} Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
>> make %{?_smp_mflags}
>> I'm wonder why there used mix of macros %{__perl} and plain other
>> commands like make?
> Because you cannot have macro for each shell command. (Actually you can,
> but it would be silly). Personally, I don't like aliasing macros and
> I prefer direct commands as it's simpler and more readable.
Actually macroses present for most used commands and I also now prefer
plain comments in spec. But it is not main question.
>> Rpm say it is just perl command with path:
>> $ rpm --eval '%{__perl}'
>> /usr/bin/perl
>> Is there any advantage for that?
> Probably perl interpreter had been in other location or under diferrent
> name before. (E.g. transition between two incompatible perl versions).
> This macro could be used to make easy the transition for package
> maintainers. Or there had been used some addition perl arguments (like
> -w). Or the macro was defined to allow spec file sharing between
> distributions with different perl locations.
> However this is just speculation. You need to ask the guy how invented
> the macro. (It wasn't me :)
Off course. But question inspired by review where main
argument of its usage what it is some sort of standard because it used
in template.
> -- Petr

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