A GUI tool for Fedora Packagers

Chris Aniszczyk (zx) zx at redhat.com
Tue Dec 14 03:46:04 UTC 2010

The Eclipse team within Red Hat has already developed something called the Eclipse Fedora Packager:

It's still in beta but essentially does what you describe.

At the moment, it integrates within the Eclipse IDE but can be modified to be more standalone if desired.


Chris Aniszczyk
+1 860 839 2465

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ratnadeep Debnath" <rtnpro at gmail.com>
To: fedora-devel-list at redhat.com
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 9:38:56 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: A GUI tool for Fedora Packagers

I've been thinking for sometime now for a GUI for the Fedora Packagers. There are some steps during the packaging life cycle which needs to be repeated again and again. So, I was thinking of having some kind of one click system for updating the packages, like submitting for a koji scratch build, uploading the packages, updating bug request, etc.

I want to create a desktop app for this. If some steps have already in this regard, I would like to contribute to it, else I will start working on this project.


---sent from Nokia C5---
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