KDE-SIG meeting report (51/2010)

Rex Dieter rdieter at math.unl.edu
Tue Dec 21 16:35:56 UTC 2010

This is a report of the weekly KDE-SIG-Meeting with a summary of the
topics that were discussed. If you want to add a comment please reply
  to this email or add it to the related meeting page.

= Weekly KDE Summary =

Week: 51/2010

Time: 2010-12-21 15:00 UTC

Meeting page: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/KDE/Meetings/2010-12-21

Meeting minutes: 
Meeting minutes]

Meeting log: 


= Participants =
* KevinKofler
* LukasTinkl
* JaroslavReznik
* RexDieter
* ThomasJanssen

= Agenda =
topics to discuss:
* qtcurve-gtk3 status (thomasj)
* oxygen-gtk status (rdieter)
* libreoffice-kde status (ltinkl)
* Features/KDE46

= Summary =
qtcurve-gtk3 status
   * thomasj reports qtcurve-gtk3 will be ready for f15 release

oxygen-gtk status
   * rdieter submitted pkg for review[1]
   * initial builds are in kde-testing repo for feedback

libreoffice-kde status
   * ltinkl was granted commit access to libreoffice module to work on 
-kde subpkg

   * kdepim upstream announced 4.6 will be delayed[3]
       o proposed to wait for kdepim-4.4.9, and consider reverting
         rawhide then
   * confirmed intent to increase spin beyond cd size, will try ~800mb
   * confirmed intent to switch default phonon backend to gstreamer

= Next Meeting

(will be skipping a week for the holidays)

= Links =
[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=oxygen-gtk
[2] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/KDE46
[3] http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-pim&m=129261266216806&w=2

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