who is Petr Pisar from redhat ?

Rahul Sundaram metherid at gmail.com
Fri Jul 2 07:37:45 UTC 2010

 On 07/02/2010 12:57 PM, Josephine Tannhäuser wrote:
> It's seems to me that you have to be an employee of red hat to get the
> privilegue to deal arbitrarily with all packages.

Incorrect.  Anyone in the provenpackagers group has access to almost all
packages.  The one exception being Mozilla.  There is nothing Red Hat
specific about it.

> imho that you have to ask him now why he did this is an unbounded
> cheek. he has  to ask or informyou BEFORE he twiddled with your
> package. This is a minimum of respect he should give to you as
> maintainer of this package!

Respect is mutual.   IMO,  there is absolutely nothing wrong with anyone
with commit access updating packages in Rawhide and if there are
mistakes in the process which will happen from time to time, deal with
it politely offlist. 


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