orphaning tpb

Seth Vidal skvidal at fedoraproject.org
Mon Jun 7 19:58:22 UTC 2010

On Mon, 7 Jun 2010, Adam Williamson wrote:

> But all the hundreds of thousands of x40s that were made...still exist.
> Most of them, someone somewhere is still using.
> I do sometimes worry about the 'hey, that hardware is more than six
> months old, so we don't have to care about it!' attitude. I'm sorry I
> can't help more to fix this particular issue, but I didn't have access
> to the hardware for long and wasn't able to track down anyone who cared
> and could tell me what information to gather. :/

I had an x40 for quite a number of years - I had 2 of them in fact -  and 
the buttons worked - they controlled the volume - but they didn't do any 
on screen display for me.


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