Happy birthday php-captchaphp !

Patrick Monnerat Patrick.Monnerat at datasphere.ch
Fri Jun 11 16:54:33 UTC 2010

Today, a candle burns on php-captchaphp review request's 1st birthday
cake: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=505354
Everyone who wants to celebrate is kindly invited there :-)
More seriously: this package is born from unbundling parts of
WebCalendar (https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=471231) that
has passed the review since then, but is still on hold because
php-captchaphp has not been reviewed yet. In the meantime, WebCalendar
upstream team has issued another release, and because of the current
situation (The 1st package version to be implemented in Fedora must be
the one that has passed the review), I cannot maintain WebCalendar as I
should do.
To my own shame, it is true that I did not review a lot of packages
I'd be very happy if php-captchaphp (and thus WebCalendar) can be part
of the initial F14 release.
Thanks in advance to the reviewer of this very simple package: I'll be
glad to review some of his/her own work. 

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