To construct a Zope skyscraper on Fedora

Chen Lei supercyper1 at
Sat Jun 19 16:31:03 UTC 2010

2010/6/20 Rakesh Pandit <rakesh.pandit at>:
> Thanks for clarification. I will see whether I can help with some
> dependencies and zope3 part (review as well).
> --
> --

The original zope/plone in Fedora/EPEL bundles dozens of third party
python modules, nearly all of those modules need review if we want to
revive long retired zope and plone in the cvs.  It will be much easier
if we have an atuomatic spec generation tool like cpan2spec, it's
entirely possible to write a such tool for python modules that using
setuptools in

Chen Lei

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