FESCo wants to ban direct stable pushes in Bodhi (urgent call for feedback)

Nicolas Mailhot nicolas.mailhot at laposte.net
Mon Mar 1 23:21:44 UTC 2010

Le lundi 01 mars 2010 à 14:46 -0500, Seth Vidal a écrit :

> > Given that we don't provide an easily accessible user-friendly rollback
> > mechanism, I don't know that that's actually applicable to the general case,
> > though.
> yum history undo works pretty well. Not flawless, to be sure - but it's 
> not bad for the simple-ish cases.

How many of those before the system becomes too weird for
reproduceability to work? Remember, one of the dnssec problem causes was
the difference between new clean installs and old continuously updated

Nicolas Mailhot
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