To semi-rolling or not to semi-rolling, that is the question...

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at
Tue Mar 9 18:39:27 UTC 2010

Jesse Keating wrote:
> Yes, you bear some risk in using rawhide.  There is no reward without
> risk.  We can mitigate some of that risk by placing automated testing
> between the builds and the users.  Some reduction in risk is far better
> than no reduction is it not?  Would it not be nice to see rawhide
> reports without the huge list of broken deps?  Would it not be nice to
> have a rawhide build update that doesn't segfault upon execution?  These
> are the kinds of things that happen now, that AutoQA could prevent.
> That makes rawhide vastly more consumable than it currently is.

But it is no replacement for the current non-conservative updates to 
releases, whereas the OP's proposal wants to drop those in favor of the 
"consumable" Rawhide.

        Kevin Kofler

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