Evolution trash folder

Milan Crha mcrha at redhat.com
Mon Mar 22 11:01:37 UTC 2010

On Sun, 2010-03-21 at 20:53 -0500, Mike Chambers wrote:
> No checkmarks checked or unchecked that I could find.  The only other
> explanation is if I did a clean setup (no backups) and see what that
> does.  I might do that with a clean/new test user and see what
> happens.

try to run Evolution from console, and see what it says, if anything, in
time of deleting the message.

One thing I do not understand from your description, when you delete
message (press a Del button), the message is marked as deleted and
either is removed from the message list or shown there with a strike out
font. It should be also visible in the account's Trash folder. Because
your Folder->Expunge does correct thing, then the message is marked as
deleted. Thus I guess your UI is not showing the right thing, does it do
at least one of the above mentioned? Maybe the index for a Trash folder
is corrupted for some reason; you can try to stop Evolution and move out
your ~/.evolution/mail/imap/<account>/folders.db file, but as it
contains all your account index, then the next start will take some
time, till it fills it again. Or you can drop only all Trash related
tables from there, but it's not as that easy to do. If something goes
wrong, then return the folders.db file back.

	Hope that helps,

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