fc12 in F13

Frank Murphy frankly3d at gmail.com
Thu May 27 10:53:25 UTC 2010

On 27/05/10 11:49, Stephen Gallagher wrote:
>> Should I still have this amount of fc12:
>> http://fpaste.org/eqVD/
>> Some do not seem to have any corresponding fc13 pkgs.
> That just means that the fc13 package doesn't have a higher 
> name-value-release, so there's no need to upgrade to it.

That's fine

> If you're really concerned about having the fc13 package, you can do a 
> 'yum reinstall <package>' and it will exchange it in place with the fc13 
> version.

They seem to play well together.
If it's not broken, no need to fix it.


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