Unable to push to git this morning

Matthew Booth mbooth at redhat.com
Fri Nov 5 09:56:55 UTC 2010

[mbooth at t500 virt-v2v (f14)]$ git push origin f14
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
remote: C refs/heads/f14 mdbooth DENIED by refs/heads/f[0-9][0-9]
remote: error: hook declined to update refs/heads/f14
To ssh://mdbooth@pkgs.fedoraproject.org/virt-v2v
  ! [remote rejected] f14 -> f14 (hook declined)
error: failed to push some refs to 

I'm the owner of this package and I pushed to rawhide yesterday, so 
permissions shouldn't be an issue.

On a related note, is there a fedpkg command which pushes to a branch? 
The obvious 'fedpkg push' pushes only master regardless of which local 
branch you're on:

[mbooth at t500 virt-v2v (f14)]$ fedpkg push
Everything up-to-date

Matthew Booth, RHCA, RHCSS
Red Hat Engineering, Virtualisation Team

GPG ID:  D33C3490
GPG FPR: 3733 612D 2D05 5458 8A8A 1600 3441 EA19 D33C 3490

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