Ubuntu moving towards Wayland

Mark Bidewell mbidewel at gmail.com
Sat Nov 6 15:16:47 UTC 2010

>>> Out of interest, do you use individual shells/terms or something that
>>> provides a more remote desktop like experience?
>> I use ssh -Y.  Anything that sits in a huge window showing an entire
>> desktop-in-a-desktop is so obviously the wrong way to do it, from both
>> a usability and efficiency perspective, that I'm just astonished that
>> people suggest I use something like VNC.
> We use both approaches, I suppose both have their merits, and we
> shouldn't rule out either method of working.
> -Cam
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One of the many concerns I have with Wayland involves VNC.  Right now
VNC on X uses some of the multiuser functions to enable multiple VNC
consoles.  Will Wayland still allow for this or will we be back to
Windows with only one VNC session per computer.  Linux/Unix is
designed around multiuser/multisession, I believe we would be amiss to
remove those capabilities from the OS.

Mark Bidewell

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