'milkymist' group in comps?

Przemek Klosowski przemek.klosowski at nist.gov
Tue Oct 12 19:12:16 UTC 2010

On 10/12/2010 02:23 PM, Bill Nottingham wrote:
> Chitlesh GOORAH (chitlesh.goorah at gmail.com) said:
>> Milkymist community builds and enhance their own toolchain (currently
>> not fully supported by Fedora).
> OK, that's clear. But I am worried that if we go down this road, we'll
> eventually have 20 or 30 groups for different SoCs for embedded use,

The electronics lab community is a generic concept, with clearly 
defined, self-evident scope and specific FOSS software products. 
Milkymist on the other hand has two problems:

  - it is not a mainstream interest--I try to keep up with embedded and 
electronic topics and I have never heard of it, which of course doesn't 
mean it isn't worthy. As Bill said, we should be careful how we organize 
the information, because otherwise it'll be hard to find anything. 
Grouping milkymist with something else electronics isn't
a bad idea.

  - related to that, the term 'milkymist' is obscure: google returns 
hits for some sort of VJ software as well. "Milkymist embedded 
visualization hardware project" might be excessively long, but surely 
there's a happy middle somewhere.

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