xulrunner 2.0 in rawhide (F15) bundles several system libs

Thorsten Leemhuis fedora at leemhuis.info
Thu Oct 14 11:11:14 UTC 2010

Kevin Kofler wrote on 14.10.2010 00:36:
> Thorsten Leemhuis wrote:
>>  * Why haven't those that want iceweasel and icedove in Fedora not
>> simply invested some time and got them integrated into the repository?(¹)
> Because having both Iceweasel and Firefox in the repository, in addition to 
> being stupid by itself, would also mean shipping 2 different versions of 
> xulrunner (because there's where most of the offending patches live).

If you run a 's/, in addition to being stupid by itself,//' over that:
Yes, sure.

> And besides, it's not that we want Iceweasel, it's that we DO NOT WANT
> Firefox since it does not follow Fedora policies.

As it's obvious from the discussion: There are other "we" in Fedora that
think having Firefox is wise.

Please note that I actually don't feel myself as being a part of either
"we" here. Both sides afaics have good points. The main reason why I
raised my voice: I don't see a real reason why Fedora has to pick a
position for the repository (see next para)

> Having both would not actually solve any problem.

I tend to disagree, as including both Iceweasel and Icedove in addition
to Firefox and Thunderbird gives users, admins and especially those that
maintain a remix the option to easily chose the solution that suites
their needs best.


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