Rawhide: pcre updated to 8.13, command line tools sub-packaged

Petr Pisar ppisar at redhat.com
Thu Aug 18 14:42:52 UTC 2011

I've just upgraded pcre (Perl-compatible regular expression) library
from version 8.12 to version 8.13 in F17.

Upstream says:

> This is mainly a bug-fix release. There has been a lot of internal
> refactoring. The Unicode tables have been updated. The only new
> feature in the library is the passing of *MARK information to
> callouts. Some additions have been made to pcretest to make testing
> easier and more comprehensive. There is a new option for pcregrep to
> adjust its internal buffer size.

So the library itself should be fully compatible.

In addition, I've splitted bundled command line tools (pcretest and
pcregrep) to standalone sub-package `pcre-tools' and compiled them
against libreadline which makes interactive development of regular
expressions in pcretest more friendly.

Thus if your package utilizes one of the two tools, please change dependency
from `pcre' to `pcre-tools' or depend on the binary explictly. If this
is due to pcregrep, you can consider using grep with `-P' option
instead which is linked against pcre library either.

-- Petr

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