[Fwd: Broken dependencies: vym]

Jason L Tibbitts III tibbs at math.uh.edu
Thu Aug 18 19:39:05 UTC 2011

>>>>> "IA" == Iain Arnell <iarnell at gmail.com> writes:

IA> The perl_default_filter macro changed with perl 5.14. We're now
IA> using rpm's native __requires_exclude macro (and friends) instead of
IA> the slightly hacky filter_setup stuff.

Really?  Is there documentation for how this is supposed to work now?
There's an open draft on this, but I was struggling to find enough macro
magic to support the old Perl macros with the new filtering system (and

If this is taken care of, I'd really like to proceed with updating the
filtering instructions to include mention of the new hotness.

 - J<

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