Orphaned: vpnc

Christian Krause chkr at fedoraproject.org
Wed Aug 31 00:42:29 UTC 2011


On 08/30/2011 01:42 PM, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> Although I use vpnc daily, I only need/use the old version in RHEL 5,
> and I don't have a machine on which I can conveniently study Fedora
> bug reports.  Therefore I have released ownership of this package in
> Fedora 14-17.

Since I have vpnc in nearly daily use on various Fedora installations,
I'll help out here.

> Judging by the volume of bug reports, this is a widely used VPN
> package.  Upstream comes and goes.  The latest upstream is probably:
> http://www.unix-ag.uni-kl.de/~massar/vpnc/
> and the version in svn (not in a released tarball) is relatively
> recent.

I have looked at the list of open bugs for vpnc and it looks like that
there are a couple of packaging issues, some problems with the
vpnc-script and some other issues which may require some upstream help.

> CC'd to tmraz: As I was orphaning the package, I noticed that you had
> requested commit access.  I'm not sure why I didn't see any email
> about that, or perhaps I did get email but I overlooked it.  In any
> case, I have granted this now.

Best regards,

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