fedpkg new-sources

Brad Bell bradbell at seanet.com
Mon Jan 17 19:46:04 UTC 2011

Thanks for you message about the new sources.
Unfortunately, I do not have a copy of the mail message to reply 
directly to,
so I am including its web address below:

I uploaded a new version of the upstream source
and checked that it was correct. This time the sources file
     [bradbell at localhost cppad]$ cat sources
     c3481a2b39c1a1744386afd0d6a99633  cppad-20110101.2.gpl.tgz
agrees with the output of md5sum on the upstream source tarball.
     [bradbell at localhost cppad]$ md5sum cppad-20110101.2.gpl.tgz
     c3481a2b39c1a1744386afd0d6a99633  cppad-20110101.2.gpl.tgz

The resulting build of cppad was successfully; see

Is there some way I should remove or correct the old tarball
which appears to be corrupted ?

Perhaps it does not matter because no build using it was successful ?

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