OpenMPI, Emacs and libotf problems

Jussi Lehtola jussilehtola at
Wed Jul 6 20:39:04 UTC 2011

On Wed, 06 Jul 2011 13:09:41 -0700
Adam Williamson <awilliam at> wrote:
> > .. but on the other hand, the same logic applies in the opposite
> > sense: if something requires OpenMPI's, also the
> > truetype libotf will satisfy the requirement. (Although openmpi
> > apps typically link to a half a dozen other openmpi libs as well).
> Nothing really could require OpenMPI's libotf as things stand, because
> of what I wrote above: nothing can find it unless it uses a custom
> linker path. If OpenMPI actually wanted the library to be something
> other packages can use, it should really install it in a shared path
> (and, as we've already discussed, rename it). If we're just talking
> about different OpenMPI packages, they can handle the
> intra-dependencies manually, I'd say.

Not really, since when the MPI environment is loaded the relevant
library paths are added to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

They're not installed in system locations, since e.g. all MPI libraries
ship with, and there are many variants: OpenMPI, MPICH2,
MVAPICH, and so on.
Jussi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor
jussilehtola at

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