Packaging python modules

Paul Howarth paul at
Sat Jul 23 21:58:54 UTC 2011

On Sat, 23 Jul 2011 16:26:34 -0500
Richard Shaw <hobbes1069 at> wrote:

> I was reviewing the guidelines and maybe I'm over thinking things but
> one part that doesn't seem to be clear...
> Ok I understand that if you have a pure python module it goes in
> %{python_sitelib} (/usr/lib) and if you have a C extension module it
> goes in %{python_sitearch} (/usr/lib for 32bit or /usr/lib64 for 64
> bit).
> What doesn't seem to be clear is if you have a package with a mixture
> do you install everything into %{python_sitearch} or do you put the
> .py's in %{python_sitelib} and the C extension modules in
> %{python_sitearch}...
> Looking in /usr/lib64 I see a lot of .py files, but that doesn't mean
> they're right :)

The python interpreter expects to find all parts of a module in the
same directory, so if there are C bits, everything goes in

This is why all parts of the python-twisted stack are in arch-specific
packages even though most of the code is pure python for instance.


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